Marvellous insights here casting warm light back upon my past re gatherings -- mid-century 1950's, I was the youngest in an active family socialising afresh after WWII. My Mum became a brilliant hostess of group festivities both small and large. My Dad, classic introvert with a warm heart, managed his hosting duties well and conversed mo…
Marvellous insights here casting warm light back upon my past re gatherings -- mid-century 1950's, I was the youngest in an active family socialising afresh after WWII. My Mum became a brilliant hostess of group festivities both small and large. My Dad, classic introvert with a warm heart, managed his hosting duties well and conversed mostly in anecdotes and shaggy-dog stories. Good role models, as was my oldest sib, talented single mom involved in the arts, a merry hostess. I helped her prep her decorations and other components for her parties. Painfully shy in company, I was a curious observer, if present at all. Priya's methods were much in play, super-successfully, so it's grand to see them gaining ground in this changed world seventy years on!
Somehow, my quiet presence in that vibrant renaissance of partying post-war meant that, once married to a very sociable young man, I became a rather 'groovy' hostess myself, capable of rounding up relatives for big reunions or holiday feasts, and basking in the shindigs myself. As a couple, we two fared well as hosts till my fella's death at age 40 (forty years ago!), Without my gregarious spouse as co-host and reliable buffer, I withdrew from hostessing,. Besides, few mixed gatherings dared to invite a youngish widow. IF I had an available "+1" myself I did sometimes create a small, easy-going event.
Luckily, attending 'do's' amongst people I know and like was pleasant as long as other singles were there too. -- Yet an unexpected Big Change recently: as a senior-Senior with scant interest in in-person hobnobbing anymore, I stay home, welcoming informative, thoughtful, and pleasing interactions in kindred groups such as ours here -- online! And today, thanks to your 'Babbel' connection, Susan, a dream is coming true: at last I am taking an affordable, well-reviewed, conversational French course -- online! 🇫🇷
Dear Catharine, I love this comment in a thousand ways. Your spirit shines through. Also, I'm thrilled to know you're going to benefit from the Babbel connection!
Marvellous insights here casting warm light back upon my past re gatherings -- mid-century 1950's, I was the youngest in an active family socialising afresh after WWII. My Mum became a brilliant hostess of group festivities both small and large. My Dad, classic introvert with a warm heart, managed his hosting duties well and conversed mostly in anecdotes and shaggy-dog stories. Good role models, as was my oldest sib, talented single mom involved in the arts, a merry hostess. I helped her prep her decorations and other components for her parties. Painfully shy in company, I was a curious observer, if present at all. Priya's methods were much in play, super-successfully, so it's grand to see them gaining ground in this changed world seventy years on!
Somehow, my quiet presence in that vibrant renaissance of partying post-war meant that, once married to a very sociable young man, I became a rather 'groovy' hostess myself, capable of rounding up relatives for big reunions or holiday feasts, and basking in the shindigs myself. As a couple, we two fared well as hosts till my fella's death at age 40 (forty years ago!), Without my gregarious spouse as co-host and reliable buffer, I withdrew from hostessing,. Besides, few mixed gatherings dared to invite a youngish widow. IF I had an available "+1" myself I did sometimes create a small, easy-going event.
Luckily, attending 'do's' amongst people I know and like was pleasant as long as other singles were there too. -- Yet an unexpected Big Change recently: as a senior-Senior with scant interest in in-person hobnobbing anymore, I stay home, welcoming informative, thoughtful, and pleasing interactions in kindred groups such as ours here -- online! And today, thanks to your 'Babbel' connection, Susan, a dream is coming true: at last I am taking an affordable, well-reviewed, conversational French course -- online! 🇫🇷
Dear Catharine, I love this comment in a thousand ways. Your spirit shines through. Also, I'm thrilled to know you're going to benefit from the Babbel connection!