I love this poem. I have experienced suggestions of that feeling, usually in the midst of a time of healing, but it has never stayed long enough for me to befriend it. But I guess maybe that’s the essence of it - it’s not meant to be grasped in any way, just quietly and gratefully acknowledged.
I love this poem. I have experienced suggestions of that feeling, usually in the midst of a time of healing, but it has never stayed long enough for me to befriend it. But I guess maybe that’s the essence of it - it’s not meant to be grasped in any way, just quietly and gratefully acknowledged.
I love this poem. I have experienced suggestions of that feeling, usually in the midst of a time of healing, but it has never stayed long enough for me to befriend it. But I guess maybe that’s the essence of it - it’s not meant to be grasped in any way, just quietly and gratefully acknowledged.