I enjoyed reading this tiny excerpt, of sorts, from Grant's personal introvert chronicles, and love the gentle, almost poignant, accuracy of his illustrations.

It's true that we introverts can morph into quite the conversationalists when the subject of something that stokes our curiosity or ignites our passion comes up.

Susan, as always, your shares are a joy for reading and thinking. 💜

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smiled the whole way through reading this

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Especially grateful for the way these comics help children and teens feel better about themselves! (Grownups too!) thank you!

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"Even a lifelong introvert can be outspoken in the right environment." This is so me. When I am in my element I can chat so much, I've questioned if I am an introvert.

I love Mr. Snider's comics. I love how he illustrates abstract ideas in a visual way. Whenever I read them I feel his way of expressing himself just feels so right.

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Love it

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Generally, I really like it. I love it.

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Thanks for sharing this! Love it. I can relate to so much of it.

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So absolutely wonderfully amazing! Thanks so much, I can Relate

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My hideout is within my head within my car. Two layers. The quiet ticking of the cooling engine says “ahhh peace.” I love the drawings!

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I feel seen! I always thought I was a weirdo for hating to say goodbye at parties. We use to call it the “Irish goodbye”. Just slip away..

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Love Grant’s comics!

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I feel so seen and understood by this! Thank you for accurately explaining the life of an introvert. I’ve only recently come to terms with my introversion and this gave me a little pat on the back, thanks again!

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I love your sense of humour!

As an introvert, it's a great pleasure to be welcomed, I feel seen...

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Sharing this with some VERY special introverts in my life. Wait...maybe this is for me!

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“You should speak up more in class “

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that. Maybe teachers should look for ways to enable one out of three of their students who are introverts to express themselves!

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