I am deeply touched by the comments. I had deliberately not read any of them until I felt ready to do so. Recovery is an ongoing process, a journey, not a goal, and love is the engine that drives it forward. Thank you everyone for your kind and encouraging words, and thank you Susan for sharing my story. It was an act of extreme vulnerability to share it, but I’m very happy to have taken the risk.

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That story is so beautiful! Thanks for allowing Susan to share it with us, David.

My deepest loss what that of my firstborn, who was stillborn at 36 weeks. I thought my life had ended, right then and there. I sank into depression. Everything around me seemed wrong.

At some point throughout my journey of loss and grief and then subsequently having three other children, something dawned on me as I saw my youngest, my daughter, crying in her room. She was mourning the loss of a big sister that she would never know. It tore my heart open, but also something in me clicked--had I not lost Kali, would I have the three wonderful children I now have? I became pregnant shortly after losing Kali--a dreaded, long, anxiety-provoking pregnancy. Would that have happened had Kali survived? Probably not.

So, as my daughter's tears fell, I talked to her about this revelation, that I can't imagine my life without her or her siblings. Yes, I wish things had turned out differently for Kali, but nothing could make me want to go back in time, bring her back, if it meant not having her and her siblings in my life. Unthinkable.

Sometimes we have no reasons for our pain and suffering, and we'll never know why we had to go through it. And sometimes, we can look back and realize there might have been a purpose to it all, even though it seemed so harsh and unimaginable at the time. I feel like I came out of something I never thought I could, only to find not only could I survive it, but that I would be rewarded with three very special loves of my life.

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Oh Nancy, What a beautiful story.

(My mother also had a miscarriage, and another stillborn...and you're right, I probably would not be here if not for those sorrows. I have two older siblings, and no doubt the house would have been full by then.)

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I'm sorry your mother went through the pain of losing two children and also for the loss of the siblings you would never know. It's hard to understand why such a thing happens, but for whatever reason, you were meant to be here. And I'm so glad you are!

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May you all find a love story that carry you through time and beyond ,May love always be you, you all deserve it beautiful souls...

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Thank you for sharing - and for mentioning that you had posted it before! I was struck when I first read it about a year ago and very moved again this time! I was wondering whether my memory was in fact correct, or whether I was dreaming that it had been out earlier already. . .

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Elena might be an angel on earth.

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Yes, she is. She is the most generous and kind person I’ve ever known.

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What an incredible story and two incredible souls. I am so so happy for David and Eleni. They are nothing short of an inspiration. David should write a memoir. I would love to hear more about his writings.

Honestly, really happy to have read this and it will stay with me for a long time.

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What a beautiful story to read first thing this morning. Thanks for sharing. The world needs more love stories right now.

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Oh my goodness. I'm finding it hard to articulate much beyond Wow. So very happy to read this story of love and change and new but old beginnings ❤️

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Oh my! What does one say? What a beautiful story. Susan thank you for sharing David's heartfelt story. What a life and yes, how powerful is love. I'm rejoicing with tears.

Blessings to you both, David and Eleni.

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So true here: Love is action, Love is Truth, let It flow, let It glow, It will find you…and It’ll be with you for eternity…very happy for them who were found by True Love ❤️

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Wow! Beautiful!

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Wow! So much to unpack here. Thank you for sharing this story Susan. It has touched me deeply. Thank you also to David for having the courage to share is story and for inspiring hope on days when life looks a little hope-less. Blessings to Eleni too for her courage to say "I do" to David despite all the challenges he was facing. Their courage and love has certainly blessed them in so many ways. Thank you again. You've reminded me about the beautiful side of living a human life. A reminder I desperately needed today. 🙏🏼

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After decades of misery and unhappiness he connects with his one true love who indeed saves him by knowing the right people. Luck and love saves the day and his life. Yes I'd like to hear elenis story.

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That is quite an incredible story. Testament to true love based on deep caring and not just heady romance.

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Absolutely beautiful, and all my bittersweet tears now cover my cheeks 💛

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The miracles in the power of love are astounding, and when we block the willingness we fail to thrive in the world as it is. Always changing. bowing to our Quiet Life with Susan at the helm.

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