If you’re looking for truly thoughtful gifts, that are fully digital (therefore FAST), and specifically designed for quiet, thoughtful people, here are four ideas. I hope you like them!
*Quiet at Work audio course: For introverts in the workplace who want to learn to thrive at work, using your own unique talents, we have the hugely popular Quiet at Work 30-day audio course. Through a combination of exercises, strategies, and audio teachings from me, all sent directly to your phone, we’ll explore the fundamentals of quiet at work and quiet leadership. And I’ll give you practical steps you can use right away.
*Bittersweet Practices and Reflections audio course: For bittersweet types, and for those experiencing life’s mysterious mix of sorrows and joys, we have the Bittersweet Practices and Reflections 30-day audio course. Cultivating a bittersweet mindset provides access to an untapped power, hidden in plain sight, within your daily life. It also offers you a true path to creativity, connection and joy. Join me for 30 days of exploration, through audio lessons, guided meditations, reflections on art and music, delivered straight to your phone, and curated and designed to help you unlock the transformative power of bittersweetness.
*Public Speaking for Quiet Speakers audio course: For soft-spoken or fearful public speakers, we have the Public Speaking for Quiet Speakers 24-day audio course. As you know if you’ve been reading me for a while, I used to be terrified of public speaking. Yet over the past decade I’ve spoken to many thousands of people (astonishing my formerly speaking-phobic self). With the help of audio prompts from me, delivered straight to your phone, you’ll have the opportunity to privately practice speaking, over and over, until you feel comfortable enough to share your newfound skills with the world. It’s just you, me, and these messages — until you feel ready to take on any speaking challenge. In our 24 days together, we’ll explore strategies, tools, and practical steps you can take to communicate, to network, and to lead as a quiet person – without having to pretend to be someone else. Instead, you’ll learn to tap the unique and powerful gifts you already have. Join me!
*And, finally, you could also consider giving a gift of a subscription to The Quiet Life! Annual memberships come with a free copy of the new Quiet Life Journal, which would arrive in time for the New Year.
The Quiet Life Journal has 52 “prompts” — one for each week of the year — to help you add more poetry, ideas, and inspiration to your life.
The journal can be ordered separately (cost is $24.99) but it’s free, plus shipping, with a new annual membership to the Quiet Life. Read this for more details.
I hope you, and your loved ones, enjoy!
xo Susan