Want to submit your work to the Quiet Life Art Project?
It could be a poem or painting, it could be a photo of a knitted sock...we love it all.

Dearest You,
On Friday, I shared with you the first installment of our Quiet Life Art Project - a kind of online art gallery, showcasing selected pieces submitted by our Quiet Life members.
Curating this post was a special joy for me. And witnessing it was also, I believe, a joy for many of you, whether or not you’re a “creative type” yourself — because our fellow Quiet Life creators managed to express experiences that resonate with us all. I believe it makes no difference whether, in a given moment, we happen to be the creator or consumer of art. As Mark Rothko said, “The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them.”
To say that your artworks struck a nerve is not only a cliche but also an understatement. Here’s just a very small taste of what you had to say:
“I love these. They encapsulate what it means to be human. I felt every one so deeply.” - Anjali Manek
“Wow, this is so inspiring. I am definitely going to revisit art as I haven't done art in a long time🙏🏾” —Bongani
“This is amazing! The community, the shares, the depths of everyone's hearts bearing open. It's all just amazing to see so much love, grief, beauty exists and people care.” -Akankasha
“Wonderful! Can't stop grinning with sheer glee from basking in the sampling of creations by fellow Quiet Ones! What a generous way to expand our sense of community, too. These subtler yet clearer pathways open our interconnections further. They're moving, delightful, deep, AND brimming over with earthy energy as well as fresh springs of sensitivity. Thanks, Susan, for this new 'distributary' now flowing from the Quiet Life's main confluence, our shared river's flow ... 'full of heart' in every current. This fresh channel affirms and inspires me in unexpected ways ... ☺️ —Catharine Wilson
So, today, I’m inviting you to submit more of your art. (You can also re-submit pieces that you shared last time.)
We’ll choose a collection of works to feature in a future post, which we’ll share with our Substack list of 225,000+ people.
You can submit ANY form of art - a painting, a poem, a fashion creation, a journal entry.
If you’d like, please also submit your Substack link and favorite social media handle, so that if you’re selected we can help draw more attention to you and your work.
**Note: To submit your work, you must be a Quiet Life paid or scholarship member; submission details are below.
And if you’d like to share this post with a friend whose work could grace our collection, you can do that, here: