"Quality tweets for the old soul"
I guarantee that today's Kindred Letter will make you happy.

The Kindred Letters, and the Quiet Life community, are enjoyed in all 193 countries, and all 50 American states. We’re devoted to art and ideas, and a life of quiet, depth, and beauty. If this sounds like you, please consider supporting our work!
One of my favorite things to do here is share with you artists, writers, and thinkers I love.
Here is such a person: Boze Herrington (aka, on Twitter-X, “Owl! at the Library”). Boze and I don’t know each other. I don’t know if he’ll ever read this. But his work constantly brings me unexpected bursts of joy, and I hope it’ll do the same for you.
I’m not quite sure how to characterize Boze’s work. He’s an artist of the tweet, and of many other writings too. But I think what makes it so uplifting, and also so funny, is that it’s all informed by a very distinct view of the world - which you’ll see in his Mission Statement, below.
The below tweets are just from the past week or so.
Here’s one for those of us who want to age properly:
and this one’s for you if you’re an insatiable student:
and here’s an excellent retirement plan, for when you’re ready:
and here’s to mysterious uncles:
And here is Boze’s glorious mission statement, from his Patreon page.
The fact that there are minds like this, out there in the world, makes me so happy, every time I meet one.
Do you have any such minds that you’d like to share with us? Please leave a comment, below!
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Kindred Letter,
and am very glad you’re here,
❤️ Susan
His mission statement is right on the mark, including his concern about the growing authoritarianism. We find this woven through the stories in literature, Tolkien’s “one ring to rule them all”, that a band of friends joined in an epic struggle to cast it into the fires of Mordor, and on the way discovered the depth of their friendship, who can ever forget the character of Sam! Or in Harry Potter who at the end of the final battle broke the Elder wand in half and tossed it away. I recall a few years ago I mentioned in passing to you, “I’d love to find a church for the agnostic, for one like me who has to say, “I don’t know”. I’ve followed you for 12 years now, you bring to me the closest thing I can find for a church like this. Thank you! I wish for you all the blessing life has to offer!
I love this SO much. I'm not shallow waters. I go deep. Immediately. A lot of people are threatened by it. When I meet a Kindred Spirit, the current is electric. We KNOW, Immediately. 🧜♀️ 💜🌈