"Come back! Even as a shadow, even as a dream."
A very-short poem-meditation for your weekend.
At Our Best
O, humans.
The ancients were just like us.
Blood, sweat, but also tears.
At our best, we love so helplessly, and well.
Have a lovely weekend,
xo Susan
P.S. If you enjoyed this Kindred Letter, please consider sharing with a friend - it supports this work, by helping us grow.
P.P.S. One reader commented on the above: “Heracles' wife Megara said these words when they were in danger. She asked Heracles to come and save them. The quote is from the ancient Greek tragedy 'Heracles Mainomenos, written by Euripides. Theseus, hero of Athens, saved Heracles in the end. The message of the tragedy is that we must return to traditional values; otherwise we are going to perish. The real name of Heracles is Alkeidis (strong). Heracles means Glory of Hera. Kleos=glory+Goddess Hera.” I share this with you, in fairness. Still, the verse is what inspired my meditation-poem — call it a writing prompt — and I believe that the truth of it stands.
And who would ever think that Euripides would trigger the reality of my longing for someone lost but not lost?
I was curious on your motivation from the Herakles quote, Susan, and what the message stood for, originally.
Words have a way of transforming our river of thought, and this short quote is no exception. Our values, our best, what we do in the struggle.
I believe they all are part of the same thread, and how we branch the thread with our own experience, presence and consciousness can weave new and beautiful fabrics.
And the beauty of it all is, that we all come from the same core. Love, connection.
I remember what Brené Brown says that vulnerability and courage, that they're both sides of the same coin. When we are really courageous and powerful, love will genuinely come through.